The Keto Dash!

The Keto Dash!

We have all seen, heard, and read about the amazing success people have had with losing weight and getting their heath back on track with keto. From diabetes to heart disease and hypertension, even people with gluten intolerance have benefits. But many who see the challenge of getting off on the right track sometimes get discouraged or confused about how or even if they should do keto. So here’s my plan: I want you to succeed. I want you to be healthy. Trust me when I tell you I understand the difficulty in changing a way of living that is deep rooted into your very own survival, comfort, and enjoyment… eating. I’m talking about food. We all hold it dear to ourselves and sometimes so close it hurts. Keto is a path, one that will take you to a new way of seeing yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Welcome to The Keto Dash!

I am not a heath nut, not by a country mile. I have my weaknesses. I’ve seen my share of failures. I’m probably the most impatient person I know. Learning that change isn’t going to happen overnight is something we all will come to grips with. Watching my husband learn this helped me better understand the process, problems, and see solutions that otherwise probably would have been overlooked.

My husband has hypertension and is quite a bit overweight. He has been ever since I’ve know him. It was just who he was and he had accepted that he would never be any different. We’ve been married close to fifteen years, and off and on I would bring up the idea to try and loose weight. However we always failed. Even after the wake up call his doctor gave when his blood pressure was 197/115! His doctor said lay off the soda , the beloved Dr. Pepper, and no more salt!! To change the way he was living or face an early death. He was given a few medications and sent on his way. I’m not sure what went through is mind after hearing that, but in my mind, I needed to find a way to save my husband from this. How can I get him to see himself differently and realize possibilities? I failed many, many times, and I cried more. I kept showing him that people can and have done what he thought couldn’t be done. And he could if he just made the choice. One day, on my birthday, I sent him a picture of someone who had done keto and said this guy was we’re you are now. At first he dismissed it as he couldn’t do keto because of his condition, and that’s where we began. I told him I would help him find a way to make it work. And he decided to accept the challenge. He promised to do it.

So now I challenge you! I will do my best to help in whatever way I can to help you be successful, to make it happen. This will probably be the longest post I will make, because life it short. I want to give you the nuts and bolts to build your own success. So that’s what this is will be: short and sweet. Your Keto dash, like my husband, we will make keto work on a low sodium diet.