Getting a Grip

Getting a Grip

Before we go full bore I want to address the basic questions that sometimes turn into excuses. Let’s be honest, some of us have those doubts and question the validity of such a drastic change. I understand, my husband even struggled to accept that yes this can be a sustainable way of eating long term. But the science supports that this way of eating can be done over your lifetime. People who have epilepsy eat keto, some for their whole life after diagnosis. The truth is, your brain can function just fine on ketones.

Is keto safe for the kidneys? Answer is yes, if you do keto right. My husband had some serious kidney damage form the years of denial he was in about his hypertension, and the Dr. Pepper certainly didn’t help. Science says that when you do a keto diet you’re on a high fat, low carb and modest protein ratio. No, keto isn’t a green light to just eat nothing but bacon and ribeyes. Too much protein is hard on your kidneys! For my husband’s already injured kidneys, we had to pay close attention to the macro ratios. When we finally got him on full keto dash he was doing a 5/20/75. 5% carb – from healthy nutrient packed sources of fiber. 20% protein – non-processed, and rarely red meats. 75% fats – ones from natural sources those monounsaturated fats Omega 3’s and 6’s.

There’s a ton of questions that could be asked when one is considering this lifestyle change, and we will get to them all. But the biggest one you need to answer for yourself right now is are you ready to commit to yourself to being healthy? Keto is hard! It’s not just a diet. It’s an overhaul in the way you view your sustainable health. Your life is worth the effort.