Replacement Foods and Why They Could Be Bad

Replacement Foods and Why They Could Be Bad

This isn’t our first go round with keto. We’ve done it before, fell off track, wised up again and started over. Doing keto more than once has afforded us some valuable lessons along the way. One that is still a hard lesson that I feel like I have repeated more than I’d like is trying to compensate for the things keto has asked me to give up. Mostly those comfy foods and go to easy snacks. 

French fries, those golden sticks of bondage. Salty and highly addictive, the slight smell can send my brain cells into a tail spin. You name it, I’ve tried it, every potato lookalike around. But none of them really truly replaced the real deal, and that left me feeling hopeless. Depressed and like I had deprived myself some kind of joy I would just never taste again. I gave up on trying to replace the unreplaceable potato. I moved on for the moment. Snacking is a serious habit, and I say habit because I had found my self looking for a keto snack several times a day. Almost like it was just a routine, I have hardwired into my brain that said, “Walk to the kitchen and forget what for, but find a snack just because.” I realized that I had bought these keto friendly foods but had really just replaced one thing with another, soon the net carbs add up and every absent minded pantry run added up. The problem wasn’t with the what I was snacking on, but that I was snacking. I replaced the foods with the keto version but the problem was I couldn’t stop myself from munching and grazing all day. 

The idea of replacing the foods that we no longer eat because we’re trying to be healthy with foods that remind us of what we have up really starts to work you over psychologically. And sooner or later we crumble under the neglect we think we feel. Truth be known, replacing something we should have bid farewell to never really allows us to change our ways. It just puts in a place holder. 

Dont get me wrong, please by all means enjoy that mashed cauliflower that tastes kinda like mashed potatoes. You’re not doing anything wrong. But don’t lie to yourself that it’s just like mashed potatoes, come on, it’s not mashed potatoes. Just be real with yourself and accept that it’s some damn fine and delicious mashed cauliflower!  Accept the change that these foods are the new thing, not to replacement to the old. Kill those habits that we pitched out and so easily fall into. Keto dash isn’t a replacement for your meals plans. It’s a totally different you that you’re building, not just your plate.